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 Energy Healing

60 minutes - $85

This session is a full hour and includes healing of all seven chakras.

Crystal healing and oracle card reading is included in this session.

Enjoy the comforts of a warm table, aromatherapy, and relaxing music. 


30 minutes +

WITHOUT oracle card reading - $55 (30 min)


WITH Oracle Card reading - $70 (45 min)


If you have a tight schedule or just need a quick rebalancing, this session is for you.

Focus is on chakras that are not balanced -

crystal healing is included. 

You will leave you feeling aligned and refreshed

*** Reiki is not intended to replace your current medical care.
It is not intended to diagnose or cure illness.
Please consult your physician or healthcare practitioner
for any new onset of illness or medical condition. 

Distance Energy Healing

Reiki can be delivered through time and space.
Enjoy your energy healing in the comfort of your own home. You set up your relaxation space and we will coordinate a time. Can be done over zoom

30-40 min - ($55)

This is a very effective way of receiving a healing if your schedule is tight and can't make it during business hours. A nice way to help grief, gain clarity, relax and sleep well.  If you are experiencing a temporary block in your life and need guidance, this is a great way to receive Reiki.
Post treatment, you will get a full summary on your healing which includes understanding what chakras are unbalanced, and any "messages"  received during your healing. 

** if you would like to further discuss any areas of need, please schedule a post treatment consultation
***To make an appointment for a Distance Healing please

30 miOracle Card Reading $35
Can be done from anywhere via Zoom

Oracle cards are drawn for the purpose of giving a

spiritual message. This is not intended to foretell the future -

they are divine messages for the purpose of giving messages,

reminders or confirmation of your current

path in life. Includes a detailed counseling/

discussion about your card draw.

Appointments can be done in person or via Zoom

(for entertainment purpose only)


Add-On Services

15 Minute Energy Healing - $25

A quick energy healing incorporating aromatherapy, leaving you feeling balanced and relaxed.


15 min Oracle Card Reading - $15

Oracle cards are drawn for the purpose of giving a

spiritual message. This is not intended to foretell the future -

they are divine messages for the purpose of giving messages,

reminders or confirmation of your current

path in life.

(for entertainment purpose only)


Scalp Massage - $10

Enjoy a scalp massage complete with aromatherapy


Hand/Arm massage - $20

Luxurious cream with essential oils is massaged into the hands and arms, leaving you feeling very relaxed with velvety soft skin.



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