With tonight's New Moon upon us, it is time to set our intentions for manifesting the things we want in our life. It could be that you are searching for a new job, looking for love, abundance,
looking for a new path in life or letting go of old habits or addictions.
Whatever it is, let tonight be the night you set your intention and manifest whatever it is you want.
You might be wondering, how exactly do I do this?
Create a comfortable space inside or outside (if weather permits). Play some relaxation music, brew a hot cup of herbal tea-if you like, burn sage to smudge or light a candle.
Write in a journal about your goals and things you desire in your life.
Write a specific intention (or 2) on a piece of paper and do a meditation. Start your meditation by visualizing your body being rooted to the earth and your roots spread wide and deep, grounding you and creating a solid foundation.
Next, you want to become open. Do this by saying out loud - I am open to the universe and I Iet go of anything that does not serve me. My intentions are (state intention) and I only ask for this if it is for my highest good.
If you are attuned to any of the Reiki levels, incorporate Reiki symbols and energy into the "ceremony."
During your meditation, be open and be present - feel free to connect your intention like a prayer and incorporate your own faith if that's what you choose.
This is not magic - set your calendar each month to do this during the New Moon phase. It is a process and a mindset. Write in your journal everyday, create a vision board, make an intention box and manifest what you want. I am a big believer in - " What you put out there is what you attract" - So put positivity, love and light into whatever you do and enjoy what is returned to you.
I am seeing clients at Nurturing Hands Massage and Wellness/Saunafied at 640 Kreag Road Suite 202
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