Looking out my window to beautiful sunny skies and the smell of fall in the air, I am excited about tonight! Not only is it September 24th but it is also a full moon!
Tonight gives us the opportunity to release those obstacles that no longer serve us or are holding us back from the things we seek and desire in our lives.
Some cultures and people believe the moon has certain energetic properties during each moon phase. The full moon phase is a time to release what no longer serves you, release what you no longer need in your life and release the part of yourself that you are wanting to outgrow or have already outgrown.
Here is what you will need:
A quiet sacred space (outside under the moon if weather permits)
one small empty bowl
one small bowl with water
relaxation music (optional)
sage (optional)
- Find the space where you will begin your full moon release.
Light a sage bundle - this is optional - I am only sharing my own personal experience.
You can make this your own and use your intuition on what feels right to you.
Begin by clearing your energy - I enjoy relaxation or meditation music to get into a meditative state but you can make your space the way you feel comfortable.
Envision a shower of pure white light raining down upon you from head to toe. This white light shower is washing away negativity and the energies that no longer serve us.
Do this meditation for about 3-5 minutes.
- Light the candle and place the empty bowl and the water bowl in front of you.
- On a piece of paper, write down your list of what you want to let go, what no longer serves you,
and what you want to release from your life.
place your signature and the date on that page.
- Take a deep breath and set your declaration..."I now release this"
- place the corner of your paper over a flame and let it burn (Please be careful!)
- If you are using a fireplace or outdoor firepit, you can let the paper burn in the fireplace/
firepit. When you are finished, cleanse your hands in the bowl of water - signifying a cleansing of the past and opening yourself to a new positive energy.
If you are not using a fireplace, drop the paper into the water bowl until the flames are out and the remaining paper is saturated with water.
Pour the water and remains of the paper into a garden or any area you feel is good.
This is just a guide to use. Feel free to make this ceremony your own by using your intuition and what feels right to you. However you choose to do your Full Moon release, you feel
clean, renewed, energized, centered, and ready to move forward.
Do this ceremony each month along with the New moon manifestation - changing your mindset and releasing the negative is a great way to get yourself moving in the right direction and shedding old baggage that weights you down.
Its a beautiful night so get out there and BURN those old tired habits..... its time to start shining!!
Gina <3
I am seeing clients at 640 Kreag Road Suite 202, Pittsford, New York
I also do distant Reiki healings - ALL APPOINTMENTS are booked directly through me -
please visit my website mbsreiki.wixsite.com/bodysoul
Contact information is listed on my webpages.
raining down on me, from head to toe.
rradown on me