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Darkness into light - the holiday blues

As the holiday season approaches, it conjures up warm feelings of past memories. They may be memories of Christmas during our childhood or all the fun holiday traditions that we carried out with our loved ones. As beautiful as this time of year is, it can be painful for some. It could be grief, the ending of a relationship, illness, not being happy with where we are in life, the loss of a loved one....etc. Sometimes these obstacles can prevent us from being present, enjoying the moment or hold us back from moving forward.

I love working with people to help them find balance through Reiki energy healing. If you haven’t experienced it or are curious about it, I’d love to hear from you. Reiki is a form Of energy healing that helps promote a good nights sleep, reduces anxiety, helps with grief, alleviates pain....just to name a few! The best part is if you are not local, I can do distance healings (a Skype consult is recommended post treatment). I will be doing a giveaway next week - someone will win a distance healing with a Skype consult.

Stay tuned.....this is something you will want to experience!!

to book an appointment please contact me via email ( or visit my website and click on the contact information.

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