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Benefits of Reiki

Benefits of Energy Healing


"All great changes are preceded by chaos"
- Deepak Chopra

This is what a healing session can help you achieve:

      -  Increase energy level

          - release money blocks 

              - step into your personal power 

        - strengthen faith      

      - alleviate anxiety        

      - relax the mind and body       

      - promote balance and overall wellness        

      -  relieve stress         

      - reduce side effects of chemo       

      - lower blood pressure        

      - enhance healing with combined therapies        

      -  clear the mind          

      - can help break addictive behavior       

      - promote mental focus             

      - help the body to rest during sleep       

      -  speed up the body's ability to self-heal       

      - relieve pain        

      -  enhance intuition      

      -  balance emotions        

                                                            -  spiritual growth                                                                

      - provide peace and comfort to those transitioning to the end of life


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